Friday, August 30, 2013

Too Much Power

Jesus on his part did entrust himself to them, because he knew all people. (John 2:24, esv)

We aren't without our fights. Why so complicated? Let's take one big important stab at it. We'd like to suggest that we give relationships too much power by having unrealistic and unnecessary expectations. Here are some expectations that we have seen break down friendships:
  • Expecting a girlfriend to be exclusive with you
  • Expecting a girlfriend to be available night and day
  • Expecting a girlfriend to always agree with you
  • Expecting her to say what you want her to say
  • Expecting her to do what you want to do
  • Expecting you will never hurt each other
In John2:24 we see Jesus did not become overly dependent on people. He was free to be in relationships without constant favor or approval. Jesus knew people are sinful. They're capable of hurting each other, disagreeing and, well, making life complicated. We can make those complications easier to navigate by not expecting so much of girlfriends and by not insisting upon constant favor and approval from them. 

The Bible also says that "a friend loves at all times" (Proverbs 17:17niv)...even when a friend hurts you, when she disagrees, when she doesn't say what you want her to say. You can build healthy expectations by committing to this: love your friend no matter what.

Action Plan
Do you have any relationships where you expect too much? Which ones? How can you live in a place where you don't become overly dependent on a friend's favor?

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