Thursday, August 22, 2013

Don't Skimp On The Good Stuff

Don't be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. (James 1:16-17)

God has offered everything to us. The whole bowl of candy, so to speak. Take it! This is God's will for you, that you would lack nothing, but have everything, according to his glorious riches in Jesus. As you comb through that bowl of good things today, be mindful of what you will take. Others will not lack if you take to much. He won't run out, and you won't look greedy. There is no need to walk away from the throne of God's grace empty handed!

Action Step
Make a list of everything you would like to receive from God. Keep it limited to things achievable, measurable, and biblical. Examples might be joy, a giving spirit, a new friend, health, or discipline.  

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